Sunday, December 08, 2013

Danish experiment suggests unexpected magic by cosmic rays in cloud formation

Danish experiment suggests unexpected magic by cosmic rays in cloud formation - Technical University of Denmark

''Back in 1996 Danish physicists suggested that cosmic rays, energetic particles from space, are important in the formation of clouds. Since then, experiments in Copenhagen and elsewhere have demonstrated that cosmic rays actually help small clusters of molecules to form.
“The result boosts our theory that cosmic rays coming from the Galaxy are directly involved in the Earth’s weather and climate,” says Henrik Svensmark, lead author of the new report. “In experiments over many years, we have shown that ionizing rays help to form small molecular clusters. Critics have argued that the clusters cannot grow large enough to affect cloud formation significantly. But our current research, of which the reported SKY2 experiment forms just one part, contradicts their conventional view. Now we want to close in on the details of the unexpected chemistry occurring in the air, at the end of the long journey that brought the cosmic rays here from exploded stars.”

NOTE: this theory offers an alternative way to consider weather on Earth. Cosmic rays and not natural (or even human made) CO2 could in fact drive the weather ;)

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