Monday, April 23, 2012

Cold fusion... what is happening?

At MIT: ''During the meeting the NANOR table top cold fusion unit was apparently present and running.
Cold Fusion Times reported that NANOR has been able to continuously produce heat for two months. If that is true it would indicate that Jet Energy has a potentially reliable LENR technology. Swartz and Hagelstein demonstrated the device as part of a week long cold fusion course that they taught at MIT in January. Jet Energy calls its technology Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reaction or LANR. I still haven’t been able to find out what NANOR stands for.
No plans for commercializing NANOR are posted at Jet Energy’s website. The site mentions two technologies LANR and the PHUSOR electrode. PHUSOR is apparently designed for wound treatment. Swartz operates Jet Energy.'' [source]

And also at this site:
''From January 23 to 31, MIT Electrical Engineering Prof. Peter Hagelstein conducted a course on cold fusion at MIT. “Cold Fusion 101: Introduction to Excess Power in Fleischmann-Pons Experiments” was part of MIT’s Independent Activities Period (IAP), during which students can take credit or non-credit courses in a variety of subjects (some, like cold fusion, not offered as part of MIT’s regular course selection).

Five MIT students attended the course, four of whom had been students of Hagelstein’s. Another 15 or so individuals from outside MIT were also in attendance. During the first week, Hagelstein provided a theoretical and experimental overview of the cold fusion field, with lectures focusing on (but not limited to): excess power in Fleischmann and Pons’ early experiments; claim of energy production without chemical or nuclear products; theoretical difficulties and overview; hydrogen/deuterium evolution reactions and electrochemical models; excess power as a function of loading; vacancies and codeposition; the nuclear ash problem; correlation of He-4 with excess power; excess power in the NiH system.

For the final two days of the course on January 30 and 31, Dr. Mitchell Swartz spoke to the class about experimental lattice-assisted nuclear reaction/cold fusion (LANR/CF) systems, including those engineering modifications discovered by JET Energy, Inc. and other groups for controlling and increasing the excess heat obtained from activated CF/LANR devices.  ''

This instead is HOT FUSION, but in a sort of desktop version:
''Koel applies science of surface chemistry to fusion research at PPPL. 
In the lab down the hall from Bruce Koel's new office, the temperature is about to go up over 11 million degrees Centigrade in a hot tub-sized chamber that cradles the energy of a burning star.

The fusing together of atoms releases vast amounts of energy, but the process can take place only at extremely high temperatures. For fusion to be the basis of the power plant of the future, scientists need to find ways to keep the process from cooling.   
Amazingly, a thin metal lining, just the width of a human hair, on the inner wall of the reactor could help prevent this cooling. Koel is collaborating with PPPL scientists to study materials for this lining. The most promising lining is lithium, the lightest metal on Earth and the only metal that floats on water.
If the experiments are successful, the plasma fusion reactor of the future could sport a thin liquid lithium wall. But because lithium is so light, the molten metal would stick to the surface rather than running down the walls. One concept for a future reactor involves constantly replenishing the liquid lithium wall using nozzles to emit a broad, uniform sheet of liquid, similar to a decorative "wall of water" fountain. 
Using lithium, physicists at PPPL hope to increase the efficiency of fusion reactors, unleashing greater amounts of energy from smaller-sized plasmas. With current designs, plasma chambers must be massive if the fusion reaction is to release more energy than it consumes for heating and confining the plasma. A prototype fusion chamber known as ITER, which is being built in France to demonstrate that fusion is a viable energy source for the future, will stand three stories high. '' [source]

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