Wednesday, November 03, 2010

10 (bad) things about OOP

''Ten Things I Hate About Object-Oriented Programming
Let’s look at other paradigms which offer a particular way to solve programming problems. Procedural programming is often described as programs = data + algorithms. Logic programming says programs = facts + rules. Functional programming might be programs = functions + functions. This suggest that OOP means programs = objects + messages. Nice try, but this misses the point, I think.
... everybody loves to hate the other guy’s programming language ...
“Java, the best argument for Smalltalk since C++.” — Frank Winkler
Evidently some of my students follow the Chuck Norris school of Agile Development:

“Chuck Norris pairs alone.”
“Chuck Norris doesn’t do iterative development. It’s right the first time, every time.”
“Chuck Norris doesn’t do documentation. He stares down the code until it tells him everything he wants to know.”

OOP is about taming complexity through modeling, but we have not mastered this yet, possibly because we have difficulty distinguishing real and accidental complexity.

'' [source]

"Functions + functions" :D :D

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