Saturday, October 09, 2010

Escher-inspired games!

''Echodrome (PS2):

You don't control the character directly; he is little more than a lemming (except he won't just walk off the edges). As he follows the path in front of him, you can rotate the world and reshape the way it is structured based on your perspective. It sounds weird, I know, but the most basic rule is, if you don't see it, it doesn't exist.
... If you don't want the woody [CHARACTER] to use the hole, simply rotate the world so you (the player) can't see it. Out of sight, out of mind, he just keeps on walking as if it isn't there. The same goes with gaps between platforms - if you cover it up, he will just keep on walking as if it were connected.
'' [source, video, video2]

''Echochrome II - PlayStation 3'' [source, images]

Java Editor for Echochrome levels! Great stuff!! [here]

''Mystic Mine'' [source]

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