Sunday, December 06, 2009

Mixed news

''Virgin Galactic readies maiden suborbital flight'' [source]

''Jones has been accused by skeptics of man-made climate change of manipulating data to support his research. In particular, many have pointed to a leaked e-mail in which Jones writes that he had used a "trick" to "hide the decline" in a chart detailing recent global temperatures.'' [source]

''[Govyadinov] “As a proxy for the optical phase, we propose to employ the tip of a near-field microscope,” he explains. “This tip is a small fiber, which we can use to scan all along the surface, including up and down. By shining light on both the sample and the tip and measuring how much power is scattered away, the 3-D image can be constructed.” The purpose of the near-field tip is to modify the pattern of illumination produced inside the sample, which determines the measured power.'' [source]

''Researchers Design Triple Quantum Dot for Quantum Information Applications. ...
These quantum dots enable physicists to manipulate quantum spins, which could be used as qubits for quantum information applications.
'' [source]

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