Tuesday, November 04, 2008

One Button games

What a cool idea!
My wife and me were thinking about something similar some months ago: what if you could play a videogame with a controller that has just 1 button.

What could you do with a simple setting like that?

Of course one application would be to make games for very (very) young kids, like my daughter that is almost 3... but there could be more applications: mobile games, games for handicapped.

The concept is in fact already discussed in the Web, and here are some (AMAZING!!) answers and contents:
- Switch gaming: "One Switch Gaming" is especially interested in games playable with a single switch, and in campaigning for accessibility features in all games. (and you can download their games for free here)

- a related game is strange attractors (ver. 1 and ver. 2), by Ominous Dev, also freely downloadable, and very cool to play with!

- an button (hardware) incorporating a game: check it out

- airmonkey (online one-button game)

- RocketPong - another One Button Game (implemented in Python)

- a very well done article describing what you can do using only 1 button. A very good analysis and source of inspiration: here

- video from Nokia about 1button games

- there was even a competition for makers of 1button games some time ago (here)

- and this is a video from scriptedfun about a game called Herder, also a 1button game (try it online -> really COOL stuff!)

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