Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mixed IT & electonics news

''... Animation in Java ...'' [source]

Making Computers Based on the Human Brain
''The 47-year-old neuroscientist is on the leading edge of what some believe will be a fundamental shift in the way certain types of computers are designed. Today's computers are essentially really fast abacuses. They're good at math but can't process complex streams of information in real time, as humans do. Now, thanks to advances in our understanding of biology, scientists believe they can model a new generation of computers on how the brain actually works—the microscopic chemical interactions and electrical impulses that translate sensations into knowledge and knowledge into decisions and actions.'' [source]

AMD's 45nm 'Shanghai' Opteron
''AMD's 'Shanghai' processors are the company's first chips to utilize the improved performance and efficiency of 45nm technology.'' [source]

How to be a Programmer
''To be a good programmer is difficult and noble. The hardest part of making real a collective vision of a software project is dealing with one's coworkers and customers. Writing computer programs is important and takes great intelligence and skill. But it is really child's play compared to everything else that a good programmer must do to make a software system that succeeds for both the customer and myriad colleagues for whom she is partially responsible.'' [source]

blue OLED
''a team of South Korean scientists have purportedly stumbled upon (or developed, as it were) a breakthrough "true blue" material that can "accelerate the development of next-generation organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays."'' [source]

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