Sunday, November 09, 2008

I knew it!

I always maintained that I don't need to exercise (since I hate it) and that I should eat as I like, because in the future THEY will invent a way to fix me, regenerate every cell in my body and reset aging, so I (and my generation as well) will leave for hundreds of years in the same physical condition that I was at 20-25...
(the only problem being that we will have to live on Mars to solve massive over-population... but, well, anyhow!)

And Science is getting one step closer now:
''SRT1720 activates the same receptor as the much-discussed resveratrol, the chemical in red wine that may slow some effects of aging. Both resveratrol and SRT1720 are being tested as a way to treat type-two diabetes first, and possibly other age-related diseases, later.
The mice were first divided into a control group and test group. The test group was given two doses of SIRT1720: 100 mg or 500 mg.

After 15 weeks of eating the high-calorie diet, the control mice gained significant weight. The mice taking 500 mg of the drug, however, gained no weight. The cholesterol levels of the mice on the drug also improved.

The animals' exercise habits were also recorded. Mice without SRT1720 ran for roughly half a mile. Mice given 100 mg ran roughly seven-tenths of a mile. And mice on 500 mg of SRT1720 were able to run a full mile, twice the distance of untreated mice.
'' [source]

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