Sunday, November 30, 2008

Can a robot clean my house?

Not yet :(

But robots are doing more and more useful things:
''a little cube attached to a cross, outfitted with a series of small plastic propellers, some lights and wires, four orange plastic pontoons that could easily have been scavenged from a bath toy, and a rudder that looked like a popsicle stick. So this was a model of the robotic helicopter? “No, this is it,” Dr. Roy said. “This is the robot itself.
“It may not look like Hollywood, but the age of robotics is upon us,” said Daniela Rus of M.I.T. “Robots are involved in many everyday aspects of life, even if we don’t realize it.” The word comes from the Czech “robota,” meaning slave, and, yes, we have our robot slaves. Factory robots encapsulate our drugs, sequence our genes, fabricate our chips, monitor our radiation, spot weld and spray paint our cars, load bricks, rivet bolts, run nuts, make glass, die cast, sand blast. Remotely operated vehicles rove the surface of Mars and plumb the maritime depths.
a lot of the problems the engineers of the ’50s and ’60s thought would be easy to solve have proved demonically hard. Machine vision, for example.”
'' [source]

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