Saturday, April 07, 2007

A spaceport for Virgin Galactic

Spaceport America is going to be built in DoñaAna County, New Mexico.

"The spaceport will cover 27 square miles of desert near White Sands Missile Range, where the United States launched its first rocket after World War II. Its anchor tenant would be British billionaire Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic."

But when will it be finished?
"Jonathan Firth, Virgin Galactic's project director, said the company plans to work closely with the New Mexico Spaceport Authority to create the spaceport over the next couple of years."

So probably within the next 5 years the first space tourists could be able to pay their 50.000 dollars and take a 1 hour and a half orbital tour, using a spaceship two plane (the next phase of the spaceship one).

The unofficial (future) site of virgin galactic: here.

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